Joyful Development Incorporated is a Microfinance Institution based in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija, in the Philippines, whose goal is to enable as much people as possible to get out of poverty by providing them access to many financial services such as Loans, Insurance and Savings, at a very low interest rate.

You are an entrepreneur or you want to become one? You want to launch your own business and make some savings while insuring yourself and your family? You want to benefit from good advices?
Joyful Development Inc. provides financial services for those who do not have access to traditional bank services.
JDI helps its clients to create jobs, to build assets, by proposing loans, insurance and saving accounts.

Joyful Development Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit private voluntary organization. Its goal is to help micro and small entrepreneurs to improve their standards of living, their children’s future and communities.
JDI wishes a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose.
You want to be a part of this great project and participate to the creation of a better world?